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Eat the Frog

“The quote, “Most people overestimate what they can get done in a year and underestimate what they can do in a decade,” which is often attributed to Bill Gates, holds true over shorter time spans as well.

It is true that we often overestimate what we can accomplish in a single day, while underestimating what can be done within the span of a year. After all, it is a lot easier to envision our short-term plans and goals, but much more difficult to set and take action on longer-term objectives.

One way to combat this tendency to overestimate our short-term goals and underestimate the importance of long-term objectives is to break bigger projects down into smaller, more manageable pieces. By breaking down big tasks into smaller, more achievable chunks, it becomes easier to stay motivated and focused on progress over a longer period of time. For example,

Eat The Frog is perfect for anyone who:

  • Struggles with procrastination
  • Gets a lot done but isn’t making progress on the important stuff
  • Has a hard time sticking to a productivity system
  • Has trouble deciding what to work on at any given time
  • Feels overwhelmed by their to-do list
  1. Identify your FROG 🐸
  2. Eat it 🍽
  3. Repeat every day ⏰

What is Eat The Frog?

Productivity consultant Brain Tracy named the Eat The Frog method after this vivid piece of advice from Mark Twain. While there’s more power and nuance to this method than meets the eye, it all boils down to this: Identify one important task for the day and do it first.

Agile Results calls for 3 tasks a day, the Ivy Lee method calls for 6. We encourage you to try out the most extreme version first.

The extreme simplicity and hyper-focus of just one task is a powerful tool to help individuals reach their goals. It serves as an effective way to break down bigger projects into smaller, more manageable pieces. The focus of this productivity method is to identify one important task for the day and do it first. This can be extremely useful for those who struggle with procrastination, who get a lot done but aren’t making progress on the important stuff, or who are overwhelmed by their to-do list.

Tips for eating your frogs

Eat The Frog is a simple and straightforward productivity hack that can help you stay focused on the tasks that are most important to you and reach your long-term goals faster. By identifying one important task for the day and doing it first, you can increase your productivity and make meaningful progress toward achieving your goals.

The steps to Eat a Frog!

  1. Decide on your frog
  2. Pick something you’ll be able to complete in 1-4 hours
  3. Break it down into smaller steps if needed
  4. Resist the temptation to plan ahead
  5. Prepare your frog the night before
  6. Eat your frog first thing

Eat The Frog is a productivity technique that can help you stay focused on the tasks most important to you and reach your long-term goals faster. It works by identifying one important task for the day and doing it first, before moving onto anything else. InvestGlass task management is perfect for priority setting and helping you stick to a productive routine. This will help you move closer to your goals, one frog at a time! Start eating those frogs today and make progress on the things that matter most.

With the Eat The Frog method, you can break down larger tasks into smaller steps and manage your priorities. This will help keep you focused on what matters most and make progress towards achieving your goals faster. InvestGlass task management is great for setting priorities and maintaining productivity routines that are tailored to suit each individual’s needs. So start eating those frogs today with InvestGlass – it may take some time but it will be worth it in the end!