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Migration Service

The investGlass team will help you migrate your existing PMS, CRM, CLM data into our servers.

Below are some examples of content types and features that InvestGlass can migrate and where Salesforce Hubspot can not :
  • Database-driven pages
  • Portfolio history and transaction
  • Suitability and financial risk metrics
  • Login or members-only section
    Mega menus, image based menus, or menus with non-linked content (descriptions or paragraph content)

  • Progressive forms/forms with logic
  • Calculators and other gizmos that use server-side scripts
  • Live chat
  • Video files that are not .swf (.flv, .mov, .mp4, .wmv, etc.
  • User-generated content (forums, ratings, etc.)
  • Forms requesting Personally Identifiable Information
Can I submit a staging portal site?

Yes, you can submit a live URL to a staging site.

Swiss Quality and Confidentiality First

InvestGlass migration team is used to migrate banking, hospital health-case sensitive data. Please contact us for more support.